Por Jorge Manuel Zelaya Fajardo www.jorgemanuelzelaya.com February 26th, 2020 These short lines have an objective. In fact, they really have two. The first objective is to strip the myth of the concept of 10,000 hours of practice (and do it in four steps). The second is to give credit to the true discoverer of that concept. Paradoxically, yesterday I listened to Tom Peters, an extraordinary organizational development professional whom I had a very interesting communication via twitter on last year´s December 25 th and writer of the book "In Search of Excellence" (first book of its kind to become a standard written in 1982). Peters confesses that he strongly dislikes the titles of 7 points, 4 actions, 5 habits etc, stating in a critical way, that any human activity takes an incredible amount of effort and mistakes to be able to categorize it in a recipe of few steps. I will dare, with scientific data, to challenge master Peters this time. ...
Ideas plasmadas en breves ensayos sobre temas humanos de relevancia contemporánea.